私人健身教練 Personal trainer 增肌 減脂 痛症治療 運動復康治療 都市痛症
d運動及健身 / 健身do my best


Our School Po Leung Kuk No.1 W.H. Cheung College is an aided secondary school established in 1971. The school adopts English as the teaching medium in all classes and for all subjects. It prepares st

100% 全日會計全職導師會根據各同學們的學習進度及要求,因材施教。 利用簡明講解及解題方法, 鞏固學科概念,提高學習效率。導師了解同學們所遇的難題,訓練和指導同學們應用知識解題, 導師已處理眾多同學們在學科上難題。實體/網上教學

10 Carmel students represented Hong Kong to participate in the First Lego League World Festival held at Atlanta, USA between April 13 to 17. They were ranked 14th in the Robotic Performance Category

School Vision & Mission Po Leung Kuk aims at a quality education for all, advocates an all-round education embracing the academic, moral, physical, social and aesthetic aspects「德、智、體、群、美」, and ta

面 部 療 程 ‧皇牌暗瘡療程 ‧人手淋巴療程 ‧甘菊抗敏療程 ‧深層清潔水磨肌 ‧日本磁叉瘦面 ‧無針破壁儀 ‧經絡去眼紋、眼袋 身 體 療 程 ‧淋巴推油 45mins ‧熱石按摩 30mins ‧溫炙養生 30mins ‧磁叉排酸 30mins ‧五行經絡肚 30mins ‧富貴包療程 30mins
I美容 / 美容優惠In Beauty

Everyday Baking Store 提供專業烘焙課程, 導師由加拿大完成國際認可課程


We offer a full range of medical, surgical and hospitalisation services for companion animals.
T寵物 / 獸醫The Ark Veterinary Hospital

日本語、中国語が堪能な方 年齢22〜35歳ぐらい 一般パソコン作業が出来る方 日曜祝日+週1日(交代制)休み、10〜19時(休憩1時間) 試用期間:$18000hk 3ヶ月後〜本採用:$22000hk以上能力による 日本研修有り 海外社員旅行有り EXCELLENT IN JAPANESE AND CHINESE; AGED AT AROUND 22~35; BASIC COMPUTER SKI

Welcome to Dr. Eric ’ s Animal Clinic 歡迎光臨黎昌生獸醫診所 Introduction Dr. Eric's Animal Clinic is located in Happy Valley and Tseung Kwan O. Both clinics is owned and operated by Dr. Eric Lai. The pra
D寵物 / 獸醫Dr. Eric Lai Cheong Sang

N教學進修 / 兒童興趣班Nga Cheung Training Educational center

❤️ 鄰近荔枝角/觀塘地鐵站 ❤️ 交通方便❤️ 設施齊備❤️ 價格實惠❤️ 獨立廁所❤️ 9米長超大鏡房🎀 冷氣開放、雪櫃水機更衣室一應俱全🎀 適合作健身室、活動室、瑜珈、舞蹈、拳擊、泰拳、自由搏擊、MMA、Fitness Training,24小時運作

❤️ 鄰近荔枝角/觀塘地鐵站 ❤️ 交通方便❤️ 設施齊備❤️ 價格實惠❤️ 獨立廁所❤️ 9米長超大鏡房🎀 冷氣開放、雪櫃水機更衣室一應俱全🎀 適合作健身室、活動室、瑜珈、舞蹈、拳擊、泰拳、自由搏擊、MMA、Fitness Training,24小時運作

This Looker training covers concepts from Basic level to advance level. Whether you are individual or corporate client we can customize training course content as per your requirement. And can arran

工作職責: 為客人提供專業頭髮護理療程 職位要求: 具相關美髮經驗者優先 歡迎有意投身行業者,無經驗亦可 細心有禮,積極主動,著重團體精神 以客為先,注重服務質素 員工福利: 無條件包薪 每月6天例假 年假12天起 勞工假期 豐厚佣金 特高業績獎金 出勤獎金 年終雙糧 醫療保險 有薪生日假 / 婚假 / 產假 / 恩恤假 員工購物優惠 專業在職培訓 良好晉升機會 分店:中環 / 銅鑼灣

8日例假 逢星期日放假 12天年假起 年終雙糧 醫療保險

our beloved british short hair cats need new home for more details plz watsapp me 92117166
n寵物 / 寵物轉讓noorryy

We offer flexible timings unlike most other mediums of training, students can pick their schedule according to their availability. We share videos of each Workday HCM training tutorial
d教學進修 / 專業課程draketucker42
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